Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Things Aren't Always What They Seem

Jeremiah 24

V5--the good people were carried off to captivity while the bad ones were left behind. DURING the raid, while the good, faithful ones were being captured and bound, I can just imagine what they were thinking and feeling. "We've been faithful. We've been good. We've done everything God has asked of us! Those are the bad guys! Those are the ones you want!" While the bad guys are taunting them. "Ha ha ha! See what being good got you!? You should have had fun with us! You should have lived it up and partied with us. Then you'd be free!" (Doesn't that look/sound like the world we live in now?)

What none of them knew at that point was that God was going to save those in captivity and destroy those left behind.

What jumped out at me here was that we should remain faithful regardless of how things look. God will always love you and will always do what is best for you even when it doesn't always seem that way.