Finding Change Series Wed Oct 5
The Principle of the Process
Pastor Clay
The process is how we get from here to there. There may be many victories and set backs along the way. We often assume the set backs are mistakes that we've made, but many times they are just part of the process. There are no short cuts to THERE. Nothing worth having is easy or a straight shot.
Acts 16:9 - Paul was given a dream.
FIRST MISSIONARY JOURNEY Acts 13:1-3 The calling came first (v2), then there was a word from God, and then there was a prayer meeting. The HS was saying NOW is the time...
SECOND MISSIONARY JOURNEY Acts 15:35-39 They were "called" by just knowing what needed to be done. They disagreed on how to do it, but in the end God worked it all out for good.
Acts 16:6-10 They walked almost 500 miles only to find out God said not to go there. That doesn't mean stop, it means keep moving. Ask what's next. Don't give up when God says no.
Principles of the Progress
1-God probably won't do it the same way twice.
2-We need to recognize what is really going on.
3-Look back and see how far God had brought you. It is not worth it to let the enemy push you back. Look back as a point of reference and the wall before you won't look so big! God will put people in your path who will help you over the walls that rise up in your path. We need each other!
Don't presume to know what the path is from here to there. If you asked Paul in Damascus, he would not have said that he was going to be beaten repeatedly, shipwrecked, or imprisoned for the cause of Christ. However, that is exactly what happened! Could you have the attitude that Paul had? Or do you cry and complain that this is not what you signed up for?
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